Our Sustainability Roadmap

In order to anchor our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in our daily work, we have drawn up a Sustainable Development Roadmap 2021 – 2025. In this roadmap, we break down our mission into nine actionable and accountable commitments. Each one contributes uniquely to a more sustainable world.

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Our 9 commitments

Accelerating responsible and continuous innovation

Integrate sustainability criteria into the design of new products and services, evaluate these new products and services as part of our overall business

Selling water savings, not only water volume

Reducing industrial and personal consumption
Improving the performance of drinking water systems and plants
Promoting the reuse of treated wastewater

From reactive to proactive

Deploy EMI solution on contracts most sensitive to water shortage

Enriching the “science of experience“ with data

Develop transparent data sharing with customers (municipal departments) and become the first water sector player to offer full data access

Contributing to local economic and social life

Welcoming alternants and trainees
Make sure to hold them back, make them want to revalue water by our side

Contribute to the decarbonization of industries

Reduction of energy consumption
Self production (solar panels)
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Certificate of Energy Attribute (EAC)
Reduction in current fleet consumption
Introduction of electric vehicles

Sharing our sense of responsibility

Update all of our partner and supplier contracts to ensure the integration of a compliance clause

Deeply connected with our employees

Develop communication on the Groupʼs strategy, involve employees more in its construction
Developing management "at the Saur"
Making everyoneʼs work meaningful

Being inclusive and diverse

Facilitate careers in the 3 main job families (Operations, Customer Service, Support) and achieve gender equality (according to the principle of 40/60) by collaborating with partner schools, creating mentoring programs and adapted communication

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For Saur, success means sustainability and resilience

As we move forward on our mission, we rely on sustainable financing and resilience. This means we have linked the cost of financing to our environmental and social performance: the better we perform, the less interest we pay. It’s a way of binding our success as a company to our success as a sustainable organization.

3 indicators to measure our progress

In order to assess the progress we make in our sustainable performance, we use 3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). All three represent issues we believe society must address to restore the water balance and to become more futureproof. And all three are in line both with the sector’s main challenges and with our own strategy.

Pushing down water withdrawals

As a pure water player, everything we do is aimed at protecting water and promoting responsible use. Our target with this KPI is to consistently push down annual water withdrawals in the areas in which we provide water services. In numbers, this means consistently reducing the volume of water extracted from the environment per subscriber every year.

Decarbonizing our activities

We take our part in the fight against climate change by committing to a significant, short-term reduction of our carbon footprint. In numbers, we will reduce our carbon emission intensity within Scopes 1 (direct emissions) and 2 (emissions from electricity consumption) by six before 2025. In the long-term, we target Net Zero Emissions on Scopes 1 and 2 by 2035, and Net Zero Emissions on all scopes (including Scope 3, indirect emissions) by 2050. Of course, this means measuring our emissions, reducing them to the extent possible, and compensating, locally, all emissions we will not be able to avoid.

Reaching gender parity in leadership

Greater gender diversity and inclusiveness boost engagement, performance and innovation. Our target here is to have at least 28% women in executive positions by 2023, and 40% by 2025. This KPI is in line with the UN’s 5th Sustainable Development Goal: to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.