Pauline Courtois, Skipper of the OERT at America's cup

You just have to give yourself a chance and dare.

Pauline Courtois2

- Can you describe your job and your daily missions?

On the boat, I’m at the helm and responsible of finding the good way and also find the best way to do the course.

We have to take care of the wind and other teams and synchronize perfectly with the crew and share all the necessary information.

I’m also a sport teacher in high school for children between 11 and 14 years.

I have the chance to have a job that can match all the activities I undertake.

· What are the values that drive you on a daily basis in your profession?

Team work and the fact that everyone’s skills match perfectly because we complete each others.

The fact that I also always have to progress and discover a lot of things are important for me.

I like to develop my skills and learn all the time.

· What message do you want to send on the occasion of International Women's Day? And especially for young women?

Everything is possible. This is not because you are a women that you can’t practice a « men sport », because nothing is a men sport.

Believe in yourself, in every department and practice.

You just have to give yourself a chance and dare.

· Affirming your place as a woman at sea or in a company, what does that inspire you?

It should be something normal in the first place.

Women don’t have to affirm themselves in front of men. They should affirm themselves with skills and what they can do to catch their objectives.

· The main issues for greater parity between men and women in your workplace?

We have the chance that today we have a lot of projects that are open to women and men and I’m really grateful to sail with each of them.

· Where did your passion for the sea come from?

At the first place, it was, to me improbable because my parents never touch boat but they always wanted me to practice a sport.

To me, the sea is important because I started optimist at 7 years and I never stopped to sail since this moment. I love being outdoorsy, to play with the wind and to discover incredible places.