What are your ideas for preserving our water resources?
To mark its 90th anniversary, from June 23rd to September 3rd, 2023, Saur is launching a public consultation on the preservation of water resources, in partnership with Make.org
Saur and Make.org announce the launch of a major public consultation on the preservation of water resources between June 23rd and September 3rd, 2023. This national consultation aims to co-construct solutions to improve the preservation of water resources.
The impacts of climate change make access to high-quality water a key challenge. Drought and its consequences are a tangible and widespread reality in France and one that will profoundly change our habits.
Saur therefore wants to reaffirm its commitment to preserving the planet’s most precious resource for the benefit of current and future generations. To optimize the way it supports the sustainable transformation of methods of water production, management and consumption, Saur is offering French consumers the opportunity to help identify these solutions through a major national consultation conducted via the Make.org platform.
Because every drop counts, and so does every idea, the Saur group hopes that this will identify solutions designed by and for the French population, in order to initiate an effective and fair water transition.
Visit the page chaquegouttecompte.make.org to take part in this major consultation.
Patrick Blethon, Executive Chairman of the Saur Group, says: “At Saur, we firmly believe in the power of co-constructing solutions, to ensure that everyone can have access to the most precious resource on the planet, despite the impacts of climate change. The major public consultation being conducted with Make.org is a perfect illustration of this. Together, by collecting everyone’s ideas, we will be able to successfully achieve the water transition for our regions.”
Axel Dauchez, Chairman of Make.org, says: “For several years, our public consultations have identified concerns over the scarcity of water resources and how they are used. As a key player in this field, Saur has addressed this concern by working with Make.org to organize a vast national debate. This innovative approach makes actively involves the general public in the preservation of our water resources. It is also an opportunity for Saur to coordinate and encourage the development of appropriate solutions for current and future generations.”
About Saur:
As a pure player in water and essential services, Saur works to protect the environment in the heart of the territories it serves. Saur has always acted to offer the same quality of service to small towns as to large cities, guided by its purpose: to restore to water the value it deserves. Saur worldwide presence: Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Spain, USA, Finland, France, Italia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom. 2022 key figures: €1.9 billion Group net revenue, 9,200 local authorities and industrial clients contracted, 12,000 employees and 20 million consumers served worldwide.
About Make.org:
Make.org is a neutral and independent organization whose mission is to involve citizens and mobilize the entire civil society to positively transform society. We have developed a unique method of mass consultation, capable of reaching several million people. Make.org’s activities comply with the requirements of neutrality, independence and transparency expressed in its Ethics Charter. They are subject to validation by its independent Ethics Committee, made up of experts and citizens chosen by lot. Make.org also undertakes to respect the personal data of the participants in its consultations and to promote the accessibility of citizen participation procedures. We are convinced that, alongside or in addition to action by the public authorities, collective civil actions contribute to promoting the general interest and revitalizing our democracies!”
Press Contacts
Saur – Katia Fournigault - +33 6 60 25 04 63 - katia.fournigault@saur.com
Havas – Esther Garcia – +33 6 08 94 42 64 - saur-rp@havas.com