July 12, 2016

Saur takes to the road this summer with its Fête de l’Eau tour

Between 13 July and 1 August, the Fête de l’Eau learning village will travel to twelve French towns and cities with a mission to raise public awareness of the need to protect our environment and the aquatic habitats of lakes, rivers and the sea.

From Normandy to Brittany via the Paris Region and the Mediterranean coast, adults and children will be welcomed free of charge to the Saur learning village.

The special children’s area will feature free games, fun workshops and learning opportunities:

  • The researcher workshop is designed to demonstrate the various processes of water filtration through experimentation.
  • Water painting. This creative workshop invites young artists to represent water in any form they choose.
  • Snakes & Ladders to test children on their knowledge of the world of water.
  • Shuffle board to raise awareness of biodiversity in the three aquatic habitats: lakes, rivers and the sea.
  • The water bar to offer visitors of all ages a tasting of different water types: tap water, mineral water and spring water, and challenge them to taste the difference.

This space is also an opportunity to discuss issues directly with consumers looking for information, and for them to talk about how the drinking water supply and wastewater drainage systems are managed in their community.

Come and join us between 13 July and 1 August!

Mercredi 13 juilletPont l’EvêqueSamedi 23 juilletCanet-en-Roussillon
Vendredi 15 juilletCrépy-en-ValoisLundi 25 juilletBiscarosse
Dimanche 17 juilletMontsauche-les-SettonsMercredi 27 juilletSt Georges de Didonne
Mardi 19 juilletBormes-les-MimosasJeudi 28 juilletLa Couarde
Mercredi 20 juilletLe LavandouSamedi 30 juilletPornic
Vendredi 22 juilletLa Grande MotteLundi 1er aoûtDinard

Press Contacts

Press Contact

Saur - Nezha Korti - 07 64 43 02 21 – nezha.korti@saur.com
Havas - Sophie Louvancour - 06 40 84 27 21 - saur-rp@havas.com