January 06, 2017

Saur, Hydrowatt and Saint-Gobain PAM unite forces to generate hydropower at Annonay using a facility unique in France

In appointing Saur to provide its drinking water services, the town of Annonay and its wider community have opted for a technology unique in France, which generates energy from its drinking water supply pipeline network using an axial microturbine marketed by Saint-Gobain PAM.

La microturbine à installer sur les réseaux d'eau potable est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le leader de solutions complètes de canalisations Saint-Gobain PAM et un partenaire spécialiste du turbinage d'eau sous pression. Cette microturbine s'installe au niveau de réducteurs de pression sur le réseau pour produire de l'électricité à partir de l'énergie cinétique de l'eau.

The type of microturbine that will be installed in the drinking water supply pipeline network is the outcome of a collaborative development project involving Saint-Gobain PAM, a leader in comprehensive pipe solutions for water and sewage networks, and a partner that specialises in pressurised water turbines. These microturbines will be installed in system pressure reducers to generate electricity from the kinetic energy of the water flowing through the pipes.

This innovative project and its installation have been designed jointly by Saur and HYDROWATT, a Lyon-based company that specialises in hydropower turbines. HYDROWATT has for some years studied the possibility of recovering excess energy from drinking water supply networks to generate electricity.

The hydraulic modelling capabilities and expertise of HYDROWATT have enabled Saur to identify the optimum locations for installing microturbines in the Annonay pipeline network.

Installation of the first turbine is scheduled for Quarter 2 of 2017 in the Le Terney drinking water production plant in Annonay. This 26 KW turbine will generate 132,000 KWh of electricity every year, which is enough to meet 30% of the plant's power demand. The energy generated will be marketed via a contract with EDF.

By making it possible to generate electricity locally, this innovation allows Annonay to respond long-term to its environmental challenges and make its contribution to the French energy transition.

For more information on the microturbine

Press Contacts

Contact presse – Saur
Anne Delcros – Tél. : 05 62 57 31 93 / Port. : 06 63 72 00 21 – anne.delcros@saur.com